Most of you know that I don’t post many personal details about our children on my blog. I’ve discussed it here. I occasionally share photos (as with today’s post) that show them as part of our family, but without identifying their faces and features. For the most part, I like to keep them anonymous so that they have their own life journeys apart from my blogging as an author.
Still, I AM a vegan mom of three strapping vegan girls! And, I realize that this is a unique perspective as a vegan author and blogger, and that I have useful information and experiences to share. I receive e-mails and comments daily about vegan parenting. So I know you are searching for more information and insight – either as vegans moving into parenthood… or parents moving into veganhood!
Last week I was struck with the idea to do a series on feeding vegan children. I should mention that I do share many family-friendly tips in my cookbooks, especially in Let Them Eat Vegan. There is an entire section in the back of the book called “Powering the Vegan Family” and “The Plant-Powered Lunchbox”. Plus, I sprinkle advice and tips all through the recipes. But, after a brief discussion on facebook (as well as numerous e-mails these past few weeks), I decided it was time to consider a “Feeding Your Plant-Powered Children” series – here, on my blog.
If I start this series, I need information from YOU. I need to know… what pieces of the puzzle you are missing, what stresses you, what is difficult, what is too time-consuming? I’d like to have a “Feeding Vegan Kids Wish List” of sorts. Tell me where you need help! Is it recipes? Day to day tips? Meal planning and preparation ideas? Social situation advice? Help with ingredient groups (ex: nuts or beans)? Lunch strategies? Snack ideas?
Tell me – What information would YOU like to tap into from this vegan mom of three?
My intuition tells me I am on track with this idea. I will run with this series if the response here is strong. I am off to Summerfest this week, and will work on ideas once I return. So, please comment if this is something you’d like. And, equally important – please share this idea to recruit more feedback. The buttons are above to share to pinterest, fb, etc, so get the word out – so I can get the word in!
Clementine says
Did this series ever come to fruition? I did a quick search on your site and did not find it. I would love it if you’d still consider writing this. My current concerns center around the diet of my 20 mo old son. He is not a fan of well, anything really. Except fruit. Sometimes bread. But beans, most veggies, and other grains are a no-go. He’s definitely in his picky stage, so having an arsenal of delicious toddler-friendly meals would be terrific. Thank you!!!
Kaylie says
I know my comment is a year late, but is love to hear tips on vegan pregnancy and just generally raising vegan children in a non vegan world. My boyfriend still eats meat occasionally, and refuses to stop eating dairy (raw), which is fine, though I ideally would like my kids to be 100% vegan to avoid confusion and learn the morals of a vegan lifestyle. How do you handle holidays like Easter and Halloween (trick or treating) or birthday parties of friends? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Maybe you should put out a vegan parenting book if you haven’t already 😉
Sara says
Hi Dreena,
Thank you for the wonderful blog. My biggest problem is also picky eating. I have moved into vegan diet, but my children are very slow to follow.How do you work on changing tastes, if your kids grew on white bread, milk, macaroni and cheese?
Erica says
I’d like to learn to make my own vegetarian meats. I am fortunate because I live in one of the world’s Blue Zones (here in so cal!) and am looking for ways to make my own veggie meats delicious and palatable. Sometimes gluten proteins can be a bit chewy. I am trying to avoid canned veggie meats because cans are lined with BPA, and would like to consume less of the processed veggie meats in the frozen section, which can also be expensive. I’d love to hear your recipe if you have any or know of any yummy ones. Thanks!
Dreena says
Hi Erica, I don’t make veggie meats. I make a lot of hearty meals using beans, grains and nuts – which are very filling and satisfying. But, I do not use gluten for making seitan and other meat substitutes as I prefer working with more whole food products. But, I’d recommend that you check out work by Bryanna Clark Grogan for veggie meat recipes.