Hi Stephanie, I need to create a new post for it, just haven’t gotten to doing so. The recipe software I was using went entirely buggy, so folks couldn’t load the recipes. Had to re-enter all recipes, but need to embed in a blog post. Hopefully soon.
Stephanie Hofielen says
I still cannot see recipe. Please advise. Thank you
Dreena says
Hi Stephanie, I need to create a new post for it, just haven’t gotten to doing so. The recipe software I was using went entirely buggy, so folks couldn’t load the recipes. Had to re-enter all recipes, but need to embed in a blog post. Hopefully soon.
Dreena says
Remembered I actually posted a graphic of the recipe on my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/DreenaBurtonPlantPoweredKitchen
Julia says
Why will this site not let me see reciprFor creamy fettuccine.?
Dreena says
Hi Julia, I have to re-enter the recipe because my recipe program went buggy. I’ll update soon.